Sunday, May 1, 2011

10 signs witch suggest you are addicted to your iDevices

If you are reading this, than you can be labeled as a Apple fan who likes his gadgets. But some people really do take it to the extreme and even cross the border to addicted, rather than user of a device.  In the following we will show you 10 thing you have to look for if want to discover if you or some of your friends are addicted to their iDevices:

10. You have named your iDevice of tattooed it on your body
9. You kiss your iDevice good night
8.  You sleep with your iDevice under your pillow, fearing that someone might brake in your house and steal it
7. You do not go out with your friends because you’re playing on your iDevice
6. You argue with anyone who uses your iDevice and rearranges your app's or opens them
5. You have a water-proof cover for your iDevice, just for playing in the shower
4. Your best friends created specialized forums for discussions about Apple products
3. You text people who are in the same room as you
2.  In stead of playing sports, you play sports games on your iDevice
1. Your homepage on the iDevice is a site dedicated for iDevices, This could be the best indicator that you are addicted with your gadget.

These are the most common behaviors you have to look for if you are trying to spot a iDevice addict. The hardest part in this is to spot these behaviors in yourself actually.

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